Hero CXO

1.10 Gautam Rishi | CEO | Oneshot.ai

Hero CXO Season 1 Episode 10

Gautam is an old buddy and ex-colleague of mine. Some would say he was laid back, others would say lazy. I would say that he always found the quickest and easiest way to achieve the best results. 
Gautam's career is the stuff fairy tales are made of. He started at the bottom of a sales career, prospecting and cold calling, through to Account Executive, to Sales leader, to Cofounder and CEO of his own technology company.
In this frank and candid interview, Gautam talks about his career, what it takes to be a CEO and the sacrifices made along the way.  Oneshot.ai is now seeking Series A funding having achieved their financial and product goals to date.  Keep an eye out, this guy, and oneshot.ai is going places.